Want to know where Mike will be for a book signing, just click on http://www.booktour.com. Type in Rivers and change the box that reads Authors to Books and then click search. Pretty slick. How did you like the picture on Mike's bio? Well that is one that Donna Q. at Husky Productions in Willow took. You can see more of Donna's fine pictures at http://picasaweb.google.com/djqhusky/
We received an e-mail from Elizabeth. She asked me to thank all of you for the prayers an good wishes you sent to her. her exact words were "I'm not able to respond to all of them, but thought maybe you could let everyone know how much it means to me and to my family to know how many people are praying and sending their well wishes our way." She told us that she works with a dog named Jeta in the 4H. Jeta is a 6 year old German Shepherd.
Barking of dogs. Check this site out http://www.vetdogs.org/We did not have a lot of time to visit the site, but from what Mike was telling me, the program provides guide dogs and service dogs to disabled veterans. I bet those guide and service dogs are happy to help those veterans! Let me ask you a question. If a blind human has a guide dog, does a blind dog have a guide human? If so, is Mike my guide human??
Last weekend is was very warm, then it turned very cold, then we received over a foot of snow and now the wind blew all the snow away. This has been one weird weather year. I heard some of the bears got up from their winter sleep because they though it was spring time because of the warm weather. Wow, I bet they got upset when the cold wind came. I know I am when I got to get up from my warm and cozy doghouse to answer natures calling when it is very cold and windy.
We heard form our buddy Bugle Girl (Nikky) she is in Texas now and had another medical challenge to deal with. But according to her mom, Nikky is doing OK.
Mike finished his last edit on Book 3 and it will go to the proof readers later this week. We are making progress!
Mike is considering putting our 2007 Christmas Story on our Blog. What do you think?
Well I have to go.
See ya!