Monday, November 21, 2005

Rivers News 11-21-2005

Hi Gang, Rivers here

Yes, we got some snow, not a lot, but enough for Caitlyn and Mary to make a snow person. We all watched them built it, well Stormy gave me the details. But the funny thing is that when we came out from eating chow, Sky would not stop barking at it. She thought it was a stranger in the yard. We all got a good chuckle out of that.

Mike told us that he had to go to a potluck at his office today. He said he had to bring something to eat for the office staff. Of course, we offered some biscuits and left over chews we had, but he decide to play a joke on them and bring something in called a Kennel Cake. He laughed a lot when he told us that no one would touch it until he had the first piece.

It has become a tradition at the Howlin' Rivers Home to give our friends a Christmas story. The 2000 story appeared in our first book, "Rivers, the Diary of a Blind Alaska Racing Sled Dog.” Before publishing the story, we sent the story to our friends.

The 2001 and 2002 Christmas Stories were sent to our friends before they were published in our second book, "Rivers, Through the Eyes of a Blind Dog”.

Unfortunately, once the books are published, Mike does not freely release the stories via e-mail.

The 2003 Christmas Story was sent out after Book 2 was published. The 2004 Christmas Story is a bit different. And the 2005 Christmas Story is ready for anyone who e-mails us for it. The stories are placed or embedded into the text of the e-mail so you do not need any special programs to open them. Sorry, we can not mail them to you. So if you would like the new 2005 Christmas Story or the 2003 or 2004, just e-mail us.

If you are in Anchorage this Friday, Saturday, or Sunday (Nov 25, 26 and 27), consider visiting the Anchorage Museum for their annual Read Alaska affair. There will be many authors and crafts tables there for to browse. Yep, Mike will be there.

He will also be at Fireside Books in Palmer on Saturday Dec 3 for 11:30 to 1:30. I am not sure if I am going with him.

We hope you all have a great Thanksgiving. We are all thankful that we have friends like you. Our prayers and best wishes go out to the families who are not together during this holiday season. And of course, we keep the men and women in the military in our thoughts.

Take care


Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Rivers News 11-02-05

Hi Gang, Rivers here,

Well we got a new dog truck. A custom 12 hole model! It is a Fetrow and I have included a picture of it at the end of this e-mail.

Yesterday morning, Mary had some visitors just after day break. We heard them come up from the lower lot. Lakota told me it was a mama moose and her 2 babies. This mama moose has been here before. Sky told me that she noticed that the last of the cabbage that was not harvested and some carrots were missing from the veggie patch. Lakota told me that he saw some very big hove prints in the dirt when Mike and Lakota went walking over there last weekend. Icy told me that when Mike walked her in the lower lot, she saw a press down area where the moose may have rested.

I guess our barking alerted Mary who had time to get these great pictures of the mama moose and her babies. How do know they are great pictures, since I am blind? Well Tunny and Stormy told me so.

Since we know this mama moose, we stopped barking. She is like family and she most likely will stay in the area since she knows it is safe here on our lot. I notice the rabbits have not been around lately. I wonder if Mike made a deal with the Moose to scare them off!.

Fool you!! This is our new dog truck. Yep it is a toy truck and was made by our good buddy Les Fetrow. Les does the craft shows that Mike and Mary do. So he made Mike this dog truck last year. Les told Mike that these dog trucks really sell very well. Mary gave Les a small toy dog sled to mount to one of the trucks.

Notice the sign on the side doors of the truck? It says Rivers Books. Well Natalie’s Grandmother, Lynette, hand painted the sign on the truck. Lynette also made some beautiful wooded stocking tree ornaments with our names on them for our Christmas tree. She does these nifty craft things and I think sells them at the craft shows.

Nope I cannot go to the craft shows because they have hot dogs and you know how I am with hot dogs

You ask who Natalie is. Well she is the young lady who waited 2years to receive a copy of our books and she finally received them last Saturday!

It sure has become cold here lately. Mike told me that the weather forecaster on the TV said that we are getting January temps in November. Hmm, kind of cold to snow also and the nights have been very clear. At this rate, I wonder if we will get March’s temperatures in Janurary and then May’s temperatures in March!

Time for this puppy to take a nap.

Take care,
